Our current address....

Looking to the right when we drive up.

From the post office looking left.

Behind the post office.

Elementary School.
   Just couple pictures from our current address!  There are a few scattered houses and a mobile home park but this is the town.   When we registered Nolan at the school I was told the end of the school with the curved roof is called the Little Gym, and is over 100 years old.  The rest of the school was built to accommodate up 700 elementary students however there are not near that many enrolled.  The classrooms are HUGE.  Easily double any classroom I've ever seen before.  I guess if they need to they will add walls and make more classrooms. 
   Nolan is enjoying school although it certainly has a more institutionalized feel than his old Montessori school :(


theo and sarah said…
Neat to get a glimpse of where you are!
theo and sarah said…
PS, Theo said that makes Humbird look metropolis :)
will said…
"Business of ill repute" Hmm...looks like a garage.
Anita said…
I got a chuckle out 'business of ill repute' too! It is neat to see where you are. All the best!! xo
katrina said…
Welcome home! Good thing you were a small town girl.