Fresh air and sunshine!

The kids really really wanted a ride on this even though it doesn't run. 

I think they could push it faster up hill than it rolled down hill.  Anyway they got some exercise.  Well not Linken he remained pretty firmly attached to the driver's seat.


farmermarvswife said…
glad to see some pictures of the kids...even if it does make me lonesome for them...all over again!
HrdWrknmn said…
Leave it to kids to entertain themselves and get exercise all in one! Great entertainment for the adults too! Thanks for sharing.
will said…
Is that one of those "it doesn't run" deals where you just tell the kids that they aren't driving it? :p
shaunandhelen said…
No as far as I know it doesn't run. Although there has been talk of a motor/engine (I don't know which is the correct term) at Grandpa's that the adults don't seem in any hurry to get :p