Nolan's 1st Day of Kindergarten and other random things...

Nolan started Kindergarten this year.  He was soo excited to start but has been getting pretty worn out by the longer days.  He's also pretty worried that we're lonely at home without him.  He than came to the realization that someday Mommy would be home alone when Elliot starts school and he got really concerned about me :) 
 We manage without big brother.  Hannah does a good job entertaining Elliot.

 Here he is looking so grown up dressed up with his boots on!

Daddy's idea of watching Elliot.

He's loving this is borrowed from friends and way nicer than ours which happens to be several states west so isn't really doing us much good!!

 Daddy and E-man!

 The cooler weather has caused a resurgence in the use of mommy's cage. 

When this little lady looks in the mirror she sees a Princess :)
Yikes!  What is Daddy feeding me??


Neisha said…
cute kids! i do love how Nolan was worried about mom :)
Anonymous said…
Awesome pictures of some of the cutest kids I know!!
Hugs and kisses