Hannah's 2!

The birthday girl!!
Big brother Nolan helping her blow out the candles. And yes she loved her chocolate zucchini cake.
Her own pink trike.
Grandma made her some clothes for her dolly and boy was she excited. Had a little fashion show playing dress up.


katrina said…
How did your little girl grow up so quickly? Too bad there's a river between us! :)
Neisha said…
wow! I can still remember when she turned 1. didn't seem like all that long ago!
Neisha said…
katrina~ what does the river mean? that you can't associate with Shaun & Helen? :)
Heather S said…
Wow! Wasn't it just yesterday we had tiny babies at Menomonie? John turns 2, two weeks from today actually. *our girls have those same dresses!
Mrs. Z said…
What a cutie.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Hannah! I love that dress! Gina
Timmann Family said…
P&A said…
She's adorable! And getting so big! :) The cake looks delicious!!