
This is an easy way to keep Hannah amused for awhile. We got Nolan this remote controlled car. It lasted about 10 minutes before it hit the curb and busted up all the steering mechanism. I temporarily fixed it with a bunch of zip ties but it didn't last long.
It was really nice today, about 65, so we went walking along the river. Nolan loves to throw sticks in the water. While we were there, he picked up a deer tick. It was already embedded by the time we found it.
Same picture, only after the throw.
Hannah learned a new trick, clapping.


Anonymous said…
Oh - where to I start on this one? I love the video of Hannah clapping. And - uh - the remote control car we know was for you Shaun. Are you trying to say the crash was Nolan's fault??
Sorry about the tick but guess this is the season. Mom S.
Anita said…
Well let's hope Nolan's first real car fares better.
By the way, is that little girl of yours WALKING YET???? ;) She's cute! And changing so much.
Good you found the deer tick.
Anonymous said…
I don't even want to think about tick season. Good thing you found it so soon.
Love little Hannah clapping! Can't believe she is growing up so fast!! Imagine it is hard to resist that little sweetheart - could just keep her!! Can't imagine saying the same about Nolan no matter how much we love him... just can't imagine the trouble the 3 boys would get into! Seems like we both have exhibitionists - Connor snuck off and peed behind Brian's work truck after special meeting because he was afraid once he came in to go potty we wouldn't let him go back out.