Chopping Avocado

Here is Nolan helping get supper ready by cutting up the avocados for the salad. He can actually say "avocado" and is skipping learning a lot of much easier words (like "Grandma" and "Granny").


Anonymous said…
Now there's a kid who knows how to make a salad good! Helps to know your ingredients. Can he say Guacamole also??

Love, Auntie Karen
Anonymous said…
mmm, that makes me hungry for that salad!
Anita said…
hi there! In answer to your Q on my blog, Helen- I don't mind if you post the link- thanks for asking, though!

your kids are dolls! That Nolan looks like he's all business! Loved seeing Hannah's smile! xo
Anonymous said…
next up, filleting all the fish uncle Theo catches with him next year!!
Anonymous said…
Karen, Nolan cannot say guacamole yet. Theo, do you think we should let him fish next year? I don't know if I am ready to give up my fishing yet.
Anonymous said…
so, does Nolan eat avacados, or do you have to sneak them in the meatballs too?
Anonymous said…
Ummm no he did not eat the avocado, nor the zucchini he helped cut up tonight, or should I say mangled, I guess he just likes using his little pampered chef knife....he did eat a green bean dipped in ketchup the other night.....ah progress :)
Anonymous said…
What is the matter with that child that he cannot say important words like Granny or Grandma!!
Anonymous said…
I think they have been pressuring him too much about saying Granny and Grandma! (It is cute his -"hey hey") He did actually address me as Grandma yesterday! : ) So it is coming! Grandma S.