Little Dipper...

That is (was) the name of this pig. It has been hand fed and nurtured for months and now it will be feeding my family through the long hard winter. I bought it from a guy at work's daughter. It was in the Vernon County fair. Makes your mouth water, don't it? We have half a beef getting processed too, however I do not have pics or a name for that, too bad.

If you are at our house for any meals and would like to taste this pig, just request the "Little Dipper Special.


Eric said…
Food is always better when you name it first.

Looks like some good hams on that one.
Anonymous said…
Well consider this your first request!! I want to follow it up with some fresh caught fish!! What are we fishing for on Sat so I know what to bring
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately the pig is still at the locker. We will be fishing for fish on Saturday, I sent you an e-mail.