We waved to the big yellow bus and sent Nolan off to school this morning. He made it very easy as he was super excited to go and not nervous. He was won over last night when we visited his classroom and he discovered the classroom pets are a beta fish, and a salamander! He was especially impressed that his teacher's daughter caught the salamander and was his mission today to learn how one catches a salamander.
And now to get the schedule at home figured out...including the much anticipated "home school preschool" a certain little miss someone was promised since there isn't a public preschool option here for her!
And now to get the schedule at home figured out...including the much anticipated "home school preschool" a certain little miss someone was promised since there isn't a public preschool option here for her!
And his feet look sooooo big in those shoes! Where are all the little kids going?! (sob- makes me think of my nephies... they have feet too large for 'toddlers', too...)