Hannah Reading!

No she's not really reading and if she had known Shaun was taking this video she would have stopped. It is really cute to listen to her in the mornings when Nolan is at school. She is BUSY and talks and reads to herself a lot. It has been fun to see what she's like without him around. Although mom does get pressed into service playing babies and taste testing her kitchen creations.


Dalayna said…
So cute!! I've tried to get video of Jessi reading several times and she catches me every time! LOL!
Burchibunch said…
SO cute! Thanks for making me smile tonight!
Anita said…
That is cute! She looks more like Nolan in this video than sometimes!
Heather S said…
love it!
When I saw your post title I was a bit envious, as JOhn is NO where near reading.. :)
Melody said…
Love it! If you keep putting these up I won't get so lonesome for you all. I'll feel like I'm actually getting to see them grow up! I can't believe you only have 2 months left till you have number 3! And I'm going to miss out on holding that new little baby!!!! Not good!