Canning Venison

Because our freezer is full and we've been told we might like canned venison better than frozen we decided to try it this year (with a lot of help from Jeff).
Jars all ready to go in!
Cooking/canning away.
Fairly clueless canners.
Finished product. Looks pretty nasty...tasted pretty good. Think we'll do it again!


will said…
Becky's family makes canned meat balls (from beef) they are the most disgusting looking things sitting in a jar on a shelf, but they are hands down the best meatballs ever! I could eat them everyday i think.
Neisha said…
hmmm, it does look nasty but maybe we'll try it some year
Jana said…
Home canned food is great, but a lot of work!
Anita said…
We grew up eating home-canned beef... and it's so good, I took one look at the bottom photo and thought it looked yummy! ;)