Visit to Papa and Grandma's

"Papa what are you doing to that calf??" For anyone else wondering this is a calf warmer and I believe the little guy, maybe I should say gal, just got a shot.
Mixing the milk.
Pouring into the buckets.
Passing it out.
The kids always enjoy a visit to the farm and helping Papa feed calves, and Nolan can pretty well explain this whole process. Just ask! And apparently the only pictures I take are barn ones when we are there.


theo and sarah said…
When Nolan & I were out in the barn last Sunday, he had to educate me on what the blue thing was (calf warmer). And I mistakenly called his "farm boots", rain boots.
Anita said…
kids and barns are cute- just something about it! And- our calves never had there own little warmers- fanceeeeeeee! ;)

lol on the farm boot/rain boot thing up there! Let's get things straight, Ok?!