I hunted my last day of gun season on Thursday. This is a little spike that came under my tree.
We went up to Marvin and Minnie's for Thanksgiving and to celebrate Helen's birthday which were both on the same day.
Nolan has perfected the candle licking that is a family tradition evidently. If you look closely, you can see that he is double dipping here.
Here's Hannah with Papa's boots on. She seems to like to wear any type of shoes that she sees.
Grandma got a Thomas the train set for the grand kids. It kept them pretty occupied.
She also brought out the lincoln logs, fogot how much fun they were.
Nolan wanted to ride a bull so we went out to the calf pen and found one. First step is you have to rope it.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all Daddy!" He says now that is was fun but he don't want to do it again.
We came home to a couple inches of snow and it is still snowing. The neighbor kid is further in the background.
