Thanksgiving and Birthdays

For starters, Happy Birthday to Helen today. It is her "Golden Birthday". We celebrated over the weekend at the farm.
Here is Nolan helping Grandma make up some pies for turkey day.
Here is one you guys should like. Maja is here and about lost her supper when she saw this picture. It is actually a buffalo tongue. One of the guys up there shot the buffalo and didn't want the tongue... weird. And yes, we did eat it.
We also celebrated Uncle Duane's 50th birthday.


Anonymous said…
so what does buffalo tounge taste like? I might need a lot of ketchup to get that down.

Happy Bday Helen! Snazzy looking kids you got there.
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday, Helen! Hope it was a good one
Anonymous said…
... by the way, "Golden Birthday"?? Lost me... Hope it was a good one anyway! :)
Anonymous said…
Sarah, buffalo tongue tastes a lot like beef tongue. Tonya, golden birthday-turn 27 on the 27th. Yours was a few years ago.
Anonymous said…
ummm, yeah - that would be helpful if I knew what beef tongue tastes like. I still think my sushi looks better than that.
Anonymous said…
I'll add my cents about the tongue. It was good, I think it was a little more fatty than a beef tongue and maybe a little tougher than beef - although it wasn't tough -- if that makes any since. This is for Sarah - grandma was clothes shopping! : )
Mom S.
Anonymous said…
P.S. the picture of Duane looks like it was in Hawaii or somewhere! Mom S.
Anonymous said…
Sarah-beef tongue tastes like a very tender roast, the skin peels off so it doesn't look like a tongue, very tasty, now we just need to feature some rocky mountain oysters. Yes the tropical plants behind Duane do add a nice touch to the picture.
Anita said…
oh hahah! I just got a laugh out of some of these comments. I'll be interested to know about the further ummm education of Sarah in the ummm unique culinary experiences- or whatever. I've had tongue a time or 2- it's not bad, but I have to sort of perform a shield charm on my mind first so as not to think about what I'm eating... I'm dumb that way. AND, that guy at the bottom- Duane- hello to him! Wonder if he gets any interested observers in the bovine maternity ward these days??? lol
Anita said…
OH- and doesn't golden birthday mean 27 on the 27th or something? So is that how old you are, Helen? I could figure this out if I went back to the first time I was in the LaX field...let's see...sounds about right... (grins evilly)
Anonymous said…
Yes that is right Anita, I'm 27....and I guess you confirmed that you are a Harry Potter reader, I was wondering with your really Hedwig pictures....but with a comment about Shield Charms..... :)