My forecast is that we are going to have a lot of continued rain for a long period of time. Here's the reason: It all started on Saturday when Theo and I went fishing. The real weatherman said there was not supposed to be any rain on Saturday. Well, he was wrong of course because a couple hours into our excursion, it started raining (we didn't take pictures of the fish we were catching because we were going to take pictures of the much larger ones that never got on the other end of our lines). It continued to rain on us for the remainder of the day. When we got the boat home, I didn't put the cover on because I wanted to let it dry first. It has continued raining every day since and the inside of the boat is still wet. When I got home tonight, I decided to put the boat in our small garage. When I got it backed up to the door, I discovered that the boat was too large for the door door was too small for the boat by about 1/2 inch on each side. This, I got a picture of. So to end the story, I am still waiting for a dry day so I can cover up my wet boat.