Another Weekend at the Farm

We made another trip up to the farm over the weekend to celebrate Minnie's Birthday, I will be nice to Minnie for once and not tell everyone her age. Hint: It is a lot lower number than Marvin's. Other guests included William and Becky (I think they are doing their "meet the parents" rounds), and Theo and Sarah.

We shot a lot of stuff stuff over the weekend also. Here is Theo missing another clay pigeon. To be honest with you, he was hitting a lot more than I was.

I also wasted two arrows by shooting a Robin Hood. It was a 40 yard shot, so pretty lucky. However, it was my first one ever.
Dave shot a buck and Nolan thought it was pretty cool.
He also liked driving the new tractor around. The nice guys at the implement dealership were letting Marvin demo it for awhile.
And lastly is a picture of Hannah so you guys can see how much she is changing.


Anonymous said…
Happy B-day, Aunt Minnie!! William--do you have a friend?? :o)