Bike Riding

Look what we can do.....


farmermarvswife said…
Wow! way to go Nolan. Love, Grandma!
farmermarvswife said…
good job, Hannah, too! Love Grandma
Will said…
Hannah's trike didn't go so well on the gravel driveway on the farm. Had to push! Cool to see Nolan riding with no trainers! Pretty soon he will be jumping the gravel pile on his own so his poor uncle won't get wore out pushing him over it....AGAIN! :)
Anita said…
Way to go Nolan!!
shaunandhelen said…
It was nice to see him exhausting someone else that weekend :) He still talks about Uncle Will and his wheelies.
Heather S said…
go nolan go! hannah is too cute! john gives up on the peddles and just uses his feet! :)