Fun Food

These are the staples of Wisconsin, venison sausage and cheese.


Anonymous said…
you missed bratwurst, maybe your fella needs a cigar!!
Anonymous said…
Well, I missed beer too.
Anonymous said…
Mommy has to chime in and say the other day I was eating a spinach salad and Nolan wanted some and he ate a whole bowl of RAW BABY SPINACH! Granted it was covered in french dressing, but still he hasn't voluntarily eaten something green in probably a year. So it isn't just meat and cheese in his diet.
Very creative sausage and cheese plate guys! Maybe that's what we need to do to get our oldest to eat!! Connor is convinced that this picture is somehow a cake by the way....that's one funky cake!!
Anonymous said…
cute sausage and cheese face. i'll have to give that a try.
Kylie really likes salad too